Siria, una cronologia dal 2011
La guerra in Siria prosegue da più di 13 anni. Ha causato centinaia di migliaia di morti e più di 10 milioni tra profughi e sfollati. Di seguito una cronologia anno per anno delle fasi chiave del conflitto. 2011 – A febbraio scoppiano le proteste popolari nell’ambito delle cosiddette primavere arabe. La repressione governativa è…
Nasrallah: a life of resistance against Israel
Hasan Nasrallah, the Hezbollah leader reportedly killed by the IDF in yesterday’s bombing of Beirut, built his life and political career around one core mission: armed resistance to Israel’s presence in Lebanon and the region. This mission eventually positioned him as the only Arab Shiite leader capable of standing on equal footing with Iran’s supreme…
Nasrallah, una vita di resistenza contro Israele
La parabola personale e politica di Hasan Nasrallah, il leader di Hezbollah che l’Idf rivendica aver ucciso nel bombardamento di ieri su Beirut, è stata quasi sin dall’inizio della sua movimentata esistenza segnata dalla necessità di resistere con le armi alla presenza violenta di Israele in Libano e nella regione: tanto da farlo diventare, col…
Moscow Pushes to Reconcile Erdogan and Assad
by Lorenzo Trombetta (ANSA) – SEP 4 2024 – United by the fear of being sidelined in the shifting sands of Middle Eastern realpolitik, the Kurdish-Syrian leaders in the northeast and their fierce rivals from the Islamist opposition in the northwest are hoping to delay, for as long as possible, the dreaded normalisation of relations…
Mosca spinge per avvicinare Erdogan e Assad
(di Lorenzo Trombetta) (ANSA) – ROMA, 04 SET – Uniti dal timore di esser sacrificati sull’altare della realpolitik mediorientale i leader curdo-siriani del nord-est e i loro acerrimi rivali delle opposizioni islamiste del nord-ovest sperano che sia rimandata il più possibile la tanto paventata normalizzazione dei rapporti tra il governo turco di Tayyip Recep Erdogan…
To Evoke (and wage) War to Stay in Power
(This is a translation into English of my commentary for the Italian newspaper Domani, published on August 27, 2024) BEIRUT – AUG 27 – The latest exchange of fire between Israel and Hezbollah, which occurred in the early hours of last Sunday, and the subsequent statements by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the leader…
Why Israel Struck the Iranian Consulate in Damascus
The Israeli raid on Iranian targets in the heart of Syria is part of ongoing regional negotiations. Washington is negotiating with Tehran, Assad is speaking with U.S. envoys in Oman, and for the first time, Hezbollah representatives are visiting the Emirates, which remain allies of the Jewish State. The sensational attack last April 1st on…
The Thin (Blue) Line between war of attrition and open warfare
The boundary grows ever more fine, much like the Blue Line that marks off Lebanon from Israel, blurring the lines between the imminent threat of outright war between Hezbollah and Israel and the ongoing daily clashes. These have intensified over the past six months, featuring an escalation in fire exchanges between the Upper Galilee and…
Riyadh and the illusionary Palestinian State
After a few months of hiatus, the Saudis have re-entered the arena of regional politics, employing the rhetoric of the “path towards the State of Palestine” as a diversion to further their own interests. This envisioned potential State of Palestine lacks essential prerequisites, including territory, independence, and effective leadership. My news analysis for ANSA News…
Libano, negoziazione e potere in tempo di tregua